Historiografska misao dana: Hobsbawm o dužnosti povjesničara da pamte ono što njihovi sugrađani žele zaboraviti

Tim riječima povjesničara Erica Hobsbawma o društvenoj odgovornosti povjesničara pridružujemo riječi sociologa Pierrea Bourdieua koji ističe da “sociolozi moraju razotkrivati ono što je skriveno” (C. Calhoun, M. Wieviorka, Manifest za društvene znanosti, Zagreb 2017, str. 90).


“It also provides a vivid illustration of society’s need for historians, who are the professional remembrancers of what their fellow-citizens wish to forget.”

Eric Hobsbawm, The Age of Extremes, 1996, 103


This makes historians, whose business it is to remember what others forget, more essential at the end of the second millennium than ever before.



It’s their business to remember what other people want to forget



