CfP “Narratology and its Discontents: Narrating Beyond Narration” (Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb, 6th – 8th April 2017)

Narratology and its Discontents:  Narrating Beyond Narration   international conference   Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb   6th – 8th April 2017   The scope of this Conference is intended to represent a wide range of topics related to the study of logic and principles of narrative production, but also to “postclassical” narratology that goes beyond it’s structuralist background focusing on the ways that narrative structures our perception of social and cultural phenomena and helps us construct meaning in general.   We are interested in the contextuality of the modes of narrative representation, in its historicity, and in its pragmatic and artistic functions across different media.   Relevant is the philosophy of action in the theory of narrative, in the narrative as communication, in cross-cultural narration, in cognitive theory of narrative acts, and the concept of performativity in narratology connected to the embodied ways of knowing.   At stake is also narrative explanation in science and knowledge transfer in education, and in a whole range of other topics that transform narratological study into a plethora of different, often interdisciplinary, mixed-method research approaches.   Our special guest is a Dutch cultural theorist, critic, video artist and filmmaker. Read more

Dokumentarno-zabavna serija “Hrvatski velikani” autora Roberta Knjaza

Hrvatski velikani 17. siječnja na HRT1 u 20 sati – dokumentarna serija Dokumentarno-zabavna serija Hrvatski velikani autora Roberta Knjaza u osam nastavaka predstavlja važnije hrvatske povijesne osobe poput bana Josipa Jelačića, Nikole Šubića Zrinskoga, Stjepana Radića, Nikole Tesle, Fausta Vrančića, Marina Držića, Ivana Mažuranića i Ivane Brlić Mažuranić te Vatroslava Lisinskoga i Ivana Zajca. Read more
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