(Kliofest 2024) „Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest“ (br. 1, 2023): tematski broj „Modern Women Thinkers: Intellectual Development of Women in the 20th Century”

Na portalu Hrčak dostupan je broj 1 za 2023. godinu “Radova Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest Filozofskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu”, kao poseban broj “Modern Women Thinkers: Intellectual Development of Women in the 20th Century”, čije su gostujuće urednice Andrea Feldman i Ida Ograjšek Gorenjak. Read more

Call for Paper Submissions in GLASNIK

The Institute of National History – Skopje announces a call for submission of articles, materials, and other contributions to the journal Glasnik ‒ an international scholarly journal of the Institute of National History – Skopje, in the field of humanities and social sciences. Call-for-Paper-Submissions-in-Glasnik-2024Preuzmi Повик-за-„Гласник“-2024Preuzmi https://www.ini.ukim.mk/mk/ Read more
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