“Girls’ Voices: Jewish Teenage Diarists from Central and Eastern Europe as Witnesses of the Holocaust and Cultural Resisters in Concentration Camps and Ghettos”

U časopisu “Holocaust and Genocide Studies” (Oxford University Press/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum) objavljen je članak Martine Bitunjac i Urszule Markowske-Maniste o dnevnicima židovskih djevočica pisanim u getima i/ili logorima za vrijeme Holokausta na području Srednje i Istočne Europe. Martina Bitunjac/Urszula Markowska-Manista: Girls’ Voices: Jewish Teenage Diarists from Central and Eastern Europe as Witnesses of the Holocaust and Cultural Resisters in Concentration Camps and Ghettos, in: Holocaust and Genocide Studies 1 (2023), pp. Read more
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