Call for Papers for the Special Issue: Slow Memory After Conflict: Fragments From the Post-Yugoslav Space

Editors: Orli Fridman and Vjeran Pavlakovic Deadline for Submissions: July 26th, 2024 Rationale  Inspired by the COST Action on Slow Memory, it is a pleasure to announce a call for papers to a special issue of the journal Southeastern Europe that will critically engage with the literature from peace and conflict as well as memory studies, aiming to advance our theoretical and methodological understandings of slow memory (Wustenberg 2021; Fridman and Pavlakovic, 2022) and the transformation of conflict (or lack of).  In the successor states of the former Yugoslavia, more than three decades after the end of a series of violent wars and conflicts, the past is still contested, manipulated and subject to intense revisionism as part of ongoing nationalist projects. Read more

(Kliofest 2024) „Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest“ (br. 1, 2023): tematski broj „Modern Women Thinkers: Intellectual Development of Women in the 20th Century”

Na portalu Hrčak dostupan je broj 1 za 2023. godinu “Radova Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest Filozofskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu”, kao poseban broj “Modern Women Thinkers: Intellectual Development of Women in the 20th Century”, čije su gostujuće urednice Andrea Feldman i Ida Ograjšek Gorenjak. Read more

Call for Paper Submissions in GLASNIK

The Institute of National History – Skopje announces a call for submission of articles, materials, and other contributions to the journal Glasnik ‒ an international scholarly journal of the Institute of National History – Skopje, in the field of humanities and social sciences. Call-for-Paper-Submissions-in-Glasnik-2024Preuzmi Повик-за-„Гласник“-2024Preuzmi Read more
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