CfA – The Ukrainian Scholars at Risk Fellowships

In light of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine and the threat the war poses on civilians, including academics, the Field of Excellence “Dimensions of Europeanization”, the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Graz are supporting three fellows from the Ukraine to spend one semester (4 months) in Graz to conduct and present research and collaborate with other researchers. Further information – CfA – The Ukrainian Scholars at Risk Fellowships Deadline is 8 March 2022. For further questions, please contact Read more

Natječaj za dodjelu stipendija Vlade Mađarske u akademskoj godini 2022./2023.

Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske i Agencija za mobilnost i programe Europske unije, u suradnji s mađarskom zakladom Tempus Public Foundation, pozivaju na podnošenje prijava za stipendije Vlade Mađarske u akademskoj godini 2022./2023. U okviru ovog poziva te hrvatsko-mađarske bilateralne suradnje, hrvatskim državljanima ponuđene su sljedeće vrste stipendija:  1. Read more
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